Pioneer Title Agency – along with Washington Federal Bank, Quarles & Brady Law Firm and Wilde Wealth Management Group – recently had the opportunity to share with AZ Big Media its thoughts on developing an engaging, impact community giving program. AN EXCERPT “Make the actual decision on who and how to give back mean something to everyone in your company, not just the decision-makers,” says Tom Davis, vice president of Pioneer Title Agency, Arizona’s largest title agency. “It not only gives those at the top ideas they would have never thought of on their own, but it gives a new perspective on what the team truly cares about and what would motivate them to participate.” At Pioneer, executive leadership turned to its staff last year on this exact topic, asking team members to submit ideas and proposals on how they wanted to band together to help their communities and which organization(s) they should choose as a partner. “The response was overwhelming, so much so, Pioneer donated $500 to each of the organizations that were not ultimately chosen as our partner,” says Davis, noting Pioneer ultimately chose to launch an initiative in 2017 called “Old School” based on one proposal, which allows each of its 65 branches to come up with their own ideas – based on the need in their own local communities – on how to support local schools, both through fundraising and proactive volunteer efforts. Pioneer gives each branch member paid time off to volunteer on “Old School” initiatives and assists in fundraising efforts for each, ranging from helping a local school cultivate a garden to hosting a full-on golf tournament to help at-risk schools in need. To read the full article, please click here.